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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are you looking for some excitement in your life? Check out the Arapahoe Rescue Patrol--a search and rescue team composed of teens in high school.

They are currently looking for recruits--check out their info page at
There are informational meetings for teens and parents.
These meetings will be held at Patrol Headquarters; 6529 South Broadway in Littleton (Also Littleton Fire Station 12) on: Wednesday April 1, 2009 at 6:00PM Saturday April 4, 2009 at 9:00AM Tuesday April 7, 2009 at 6:00PM
Call 303-797-1896 for questions.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Congratulations to Teen Tech Week contest winners Samantha, Ben, Jay, Lee, Bryan, and Taylor!

This is Bryan's goofy self-picture...

Also check out Bryan and Taylor's funny video on YouTube at

Friday, March 13, 2009

FRIDAY'S CONTEST: First person to e-mail me with the correct answer to this question: What day and time is the library showing the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Email me at


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY CONTEST: Send me a link to a funny video you've made and uploaded to YouTube. If you have a funny movie but can't get it uploaded to YouTube and have it available in some other format, send me a link and we'll see what happens... I'll select a winner and confirm via e-mail.

Be sure to include whether I can post the link to your video on this blog for others to see.

(Make sure your video is rated "G")

Good luck!

Questions? Email me at

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TUESDAY'S (3/10) CONTEST: Shoot Your Face! Take a goofy picture of yourself and send it to me via email at Make sure to tell me if it's ok to post your photo on this blog.

I'll draw a random winner who can select their prize!

Upcoming contest: make a funny video and upload it to Youtube--start working on something funny now!
Be sure your video is rated "G"

Monday, March 09, 2009

It's Teen Tech Week! Check here all week for info on contests where you can win prizes! Come in to the library and check out some books on technology and careers--things like how to turn blogging, video gaming, re-mixing and sampling, or digital photography into a career.

MONDAY'S CONTEST: the first person to TEXT me their name at 303-877-5376 wins a $10 gift card (Starbucks, Best Buy, Target, movie theaters, and other choices...).

Keep checking all week for other contests!

Hint: at least one contest this week will involve Youtube!

Call me 303-795-3961 or email me at with questions

Thursday, March 05, 2009

There's still time to enter a photo for the photography contest! New deadline is Sunday, March 15th. There are now CASH prizes to be won for each age group as well. 1st place winners will get $50 CASH + have their photo published on a library bookmark. 2nd place winners get $30 CASH. 3rd place winners get $20 CASH. One lucky winner will also get to spend a day at Sgt Peppers Photography Studio to see how a professional studio functions. Send me your photos or questions!