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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Congratulations to Mileah, Bryan, and Amanda for their 6-word life stories! They have all won $20 gift cards to a store of their choice!

Here are their stories:

Touch the gorgeous, find your destiny

Just another brick in the wall

Simplicity is upon the broken heart

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Teen Tech Week
Learn, Create, Share @ Your Library
March 7-13

Check out all of the ways you could win prizes during Teen Tech Week at Bemis Library! Winners will get to select a gift card from a variety of cool stores.

6-Word Life Story: Can you describe your life in only 6 words? Give it a shot and you might win a prize! Submit your best story to me via email at or by dropping it in the box labeled "6-Word Life Story" located in the teen area at the library. Make sure you include your contact information (phone # or email address). Not only will the best story win a prize, but I'll also publish the story here! Good luck!

Book/Game reviews: Write a killer review about a book or game you think other teens would like. Make sure your review is family friendly. I'll post the best reviews here.

Web Scavenger Hunt: Follow these steps and you could win a prize! First person to send me the correct answer will win--good luck! You will need your library card, including your PIN (if you don't remember your PIN, call the library at 303-795-3961 to get it).
1. Go the library's homepage at or
2. Find the link from the online catalog for "databases/websites" (select the "adult/teen" selection once you click on the databases link)
3. Find the "Encyclopedias and Biographies" subject heading
4. Select the "Biography Resource Center"
5. Choose the Biography Resource Center product from the list
6. Enter the name "Rick Riordan" in the search box
7. There should be 2 entries listed; click the link for the first one
8. You should see an entry that gives a short biography. At the top of the biography, some information is listed, including the SOURCE of the information in the biography
9. What is the name and volume # of the source for this article on Rick Riordan? The first person to email me the correct answer wins!

Stop-Motion Animation video:
Create a short video and upload it to YouTube. Send me the link at

Here are some websites that can help you create your video: the "links" section has some great links to tons of web-sites that can help you. has some cool examples of videos plus other info. Use the search feature on the site to find "stop-motion" links

Email Mark with your entries or questions at